
Posted 2 years ago

Various internship levels available  

Posted By: Lahana Vigliano


Posted 2 years ago

Assist with social media marketing/content creation, handouts and guides, promote services via email list and social media

Posted By: Jenna Corsi, RD, LD


Posted 2 years ago

Available as a resource to students

Posted By: Penina Langer

Student Volunteer

Posted 2 years ago

Help with creating content that is body positive, anti-diet  

Posted By: Heather E Rudalavage RDN LDN


Posted 2 years ago

3+ years of nutrition education and blogging is a plus, ability to use canva and imovie, fast learner, not afraid to ask clarifying questions, create / edit handouts and powerpoints, social media post

Posted By: Toni Marinucci, MS, RDN

Available to Mentor

Posted 2 years ago

Willing to discuss future career path, opportunities as a dietitian, advice for internship   

Posted By: Lalitha Taylor, BSc RD

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